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Winner of The Baltimore Review Prose Poetry Contest. More info HERE


Finalist for Alice James Book Award. More info HERE


Honorable Mention for the Poetry Society of America's Lyric Poetry Award. Read judge Ilya Kaminsky's comments HERE


Interviewed Kate Daniels for Meridian, read the interview HERE


Runner-up for the Dorset Prize judged by Dana Levin. More info HERE


Interview with Julie Brooks Barbour at Connotation Press about my Venus Poems, read it HERE


"I often turn back to a short essay Adrienne Rich wrote about Anne Sexton’s suicide in which she writes, “We have had enough suicidal women poets, enough suicidal women, enough of self-destructiveness as the sole form of violence permitted to women.” Ending silences is the only way I know to work through this cycle of self-destructiveness..."

Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Award 2017 Winners Anita Olivia Koester

First Place Winner of the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Award for the poem "Avowal." Pictured here with Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White and former Illinois Poet Laureate Kevin Stein, and the other winners Faisal Moyhuddin and Bryce Berkowitz.


For more information about the contest click HERE 


News about the contest was posted in numerous news outlets including the Seattle Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, USNEWS, Daily Herald and elsewhere as well as on the radio in Chicago.


Nominated for four Pushcart Prizes in 2017, by Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, Muse-pie Press, and Paper Nautilus Press. Check out Glass' nominations HERE and Pittsburgh Poetry Review's HERE



"Venus in Art Therapy" published in Muzzle Magazine discussed on Wildness Blog HERE


"What I love about this poem is how down-to-earth Venus is, how I too relate to the “state of endless falling” of experience with men. There’s pain and hurt in the poem’s emotional background, but it’s never one-dimensional. It’s because of lines like “[a]ll that’s left of the shutters and doors are golden / hinges gleaming in sunlight” that damages us as deeply as it does, but not without eventual repair." - Hannah Cohen



Launch of Book Review Blog Fork & Page. Check it out HERE



New Editorial Position: Started as Associate Poetry and Book Review Editor at Green Mountains Review



Writers of the Week: June 23rd- Maudlin House. Check it out HERE



Finalist for Phoebe Journal's Greg Grummer Poetry Award. Check out the work of the other finalists as well as the winner of the contest HERE



Poetry Feature: At Muse-Pie Press Check it out HERE



Poet Profile: Interview with Evanston Public Library- Check it out HERE


 "I started writing poetry because of poets, because poets are some of the most welcoming, curious, and interesting people I’ve ever met, and in many ways it felt to me like I had discovered a new family."



Beyond the Lake Prize: In conversation with Midwestern Gothic-


"In the adjoining room there is a immersive video where you feel what it might sound like and feel like to be inside of a womb, listen to your mother’s heartbeat, and the voice-over explained that it wasn’t total darkness in the womb but that there was light. This idea made me tremble."


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